Date(s) - July 1, 2019
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

The Credit Valley House League starts on May 27, 2019. It always takes place on Monday evenings between 7pm and 9:30pm.

There are 4 teams and play always occurs on 6 courts. Two teams play each other from 7pm to 8:15 pm and the other two teams play from 8:15pm to 9.30 pm. Starting times will alternate. Refreshment and balls will be provided every Monday.

If you are a new member and you are interested in joining the House League,  there will be two evenings for assessment of your level of play. Only one needs to be attended, so please make sure that you can make one of the following dates:

Monday, May 13, 2019 at 7pm or Monday, May 20, 2019 at 6pm